I was bored

I am suppose to be studying now, but I've got to take a break.
So, I started viewing through some pictures, those GOOD-OLD-TIMES. It really does bring back nice memories. I really miss all those who have left for further studies.

Time passes really quickly, at a blink of the eye you're already 17. YOU'RE OLD!!!! haha!
well, i'm not going to go down to the memory lane yet. yes, YET...
But anyways, here's some random pictures...Picture above: Min Zhi at her own Surprise birthday party
Picture above: Porridge with Japanese Ingredients (dried salmon fish n don't-know-what-thing) YUMMY!!! It really taste nice
I had no idea why I took a picture of my piano, I guess it really looks nice

For the finale, *drum roll*
Duh of course, the SI AI BIN me!!!

Climax of this post! yay!

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