Exam Fever

Before you read any further, Please take note that this would probably be my last post as till Sijil Pelajaran Menengah (SPM) Examination is over...


As all our major examinations are approaching, many of us tend to do the "LAST-MINUTE-STUDY" method. Many a times we even get so stressed up because of this. Being worried and sometimes helpless, we tend to become a little moody... PEOPLE normally tell us "Don't worry kid! It's okay".... NOW, the question is should we worry or should we not worry???

Well, the answer lies neither in the two options... It's okay to worry, but it's not okay when you don't do anything about it and stay as helpless as a kitten up the tree.

Here's an interesting article i happened to stumble over...

[It seems the age-old advice to simply forget all your troubles before going to bed could be missing the mark. An Australian study has found that attempting to banish unwanted thoughts, such as money or relationship problems, actually leads to more dreams and nightmares. Psychologists from the University of New South Wales asked 100 students to identify an unwanted thought that regularly intrudes into their minds. Half of the group were instructed to suppress it five minutes prior to sleeping. Analysis of their dream diaried on waking showed that this group reported more dreams featuring the nominated thought than those who did not suppress it. So next time, perhaps it's time to embrace those worries, not fight them]
"Reader's Digest September 2006"

For me, I do have worries, in fact, I have loads of them. BUT, I do learn how to commit these worries to GOD, our creator and our provider.
"Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about what happens to you."
-1Peter 5:7-

In Christ only shall we find true peace and joy. He cares for us, HALLELUJAH!!!

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