Leaving behind footprints

Many has passed and we all have gone through are the ups and downs of life.
When one leaves, he shall leave behind footprints.
It maybe an ugly one or a beautifully shaped one.
What have I left behind?
It's not for me to judge.

Recently, my friends threw alot of parties for me.
I'm indeed deeply touched.
So, here's some pictures and reviews about everything.

10th Dec 2007: Andeline, Tzin Yee, Kimberley, Shui Wei, Kelvin, Pei Ying, Lawrence, Yien Peh threw a suprise birthday celebration for me.
Honestly, I only suspected the bag part, it was pretty obvious as ahma doesn't carry these kind of bag. but awww, you guys are so sweet.
I thank you so much for the lovely bag, coconuts, bottle-with-message, cards, teddy bears, dinner (pizza n satae).
Overall, I really love everything.
I'll really miss you guys !!!
There's nothing I can do or say that will express how much I really appreciate all of you.
Thank You from the bottom of my heart.
11th Dec 2007: Florence, Lyn, Amelia, Pamela, Alvin, Linda and Francisca threw in a suprise birthday celebration for me somewhere in crown square. It's some Hong Kong restaurant.
I had a great time there, talking, eating and fellowshiping.
Thank you to all, I really love the night.
Thank you Florence, for taking us out to starbucks too.
I ad a jolly good time drinking the Mocha and playing scrabbles.
Seriously, I enjoyed yself very very much.
Thank You!!
12th Dec 2007: Before I got sick, I spend my time with precious people in my life. I'm really going to miss all of you.
The youths celebrated my farewell, and everybody's birthday.
I love you all.
They made every single dish by themselves, I'm truly touched.
I ate all I could.
Thank you so much.
At night, I was already feeling dizzy, but I still had a family Dinner.
Food was GREAT!!!

Note: I have too much to write, but I can't mum's chasing me to sleep as I've just recovered from high fever.

Overall conclusion: I realised, I am surrounded by people who loves me for who I am.
I really thank Gloria jie for reminding me about something special.
To be a blessing to others, and a birthday is not all about Me, Myself and I.
What she said touched me deeply.

To all my friends out there, be it those who's leaving really soon too, those who's waiting for results, or those going for NS.

It's been a great pleasure to have you crossing my path's journey,
I really enjoyed all the times with you. Although most of my heart is still thinking of the crazy days we had together in school, but I know we all have to move on.

I wish you all the best in everything you do.
I hope that I left beautiful footprints behind.

Remember, in times of need, trust in God. For He is able to strengthen you.
I thank God for my family.
I thank God for all my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I thank God for my friends
I thank God for the battle is in the ahnds of the victor, and He is the victor!
I thank God, He hears the cries of the lowly.

God bless you all.
I really love and miss you all.


gloria :) said...

wonderful post...uve left beautiful footprints in my heart. trust in God always, kat. u're gonna learn a lot of lessons of trusting when you're away..:) missing ya lots!!!

zewt said...

God bless you too kath.

Anonymous said...

happy belated b'day kat!!!

Kathryn said...

(gloria jie) I miss you too!!! thank god.. Amen!! i agree... ya He's be so gracious, just so amazing, indeed lessons of trusting... i agree.. haha thank God.. I miss everyone.. God bless

(zewt) thanks alot

(jess-es) thanks gal!