Ignorance to Misdirection

p/s:: This is not an update, but more like a sharing to those who questioned me about it.

I thank God for bringing me back to KL SAFELY, if not because of Him, I’m stuck in JB right now. Here’s how my experience taking the airplane alone went:

The day I departed, I printed out my web check-in ticket, which allows me to check in online because I do not have any check in luggage.

I was so proud of myself as I could travel alone and that I wasn’t going to miss my flight or be late as I arrived pretty early at the airport. Knowing that, I spent about 5 minutes at the chocolate shop, but end up not buying anything. As I walked to the gate that I was supposed to go, (gate R1), I saw a super long queue at gate 2. Thinking that gate 2 was the gate; ignorance of checking the ticket in my hand led me to wait there, sitting along the queue.

Soon after, I received several messages, among them was a message sent by Andeline,

“ x so blurr wor… Go into the rong gate… Fly to indon”
Sender: Andeline Lim
Received: 04:46:31pm

“Indon maid… They x belief u r Malaysian..”
Sender: Andeline Lim
Received: 04:47:16pm

Yet again, ignorance of this message led me to stay on, sitting and waiting at the wrong gate. I thank God, from the beginning, He has been giving me signs that I’m at the wrong place. First, it was through Andeline. The second time was when I decided to line up as well. Another man, also in the same flight, lined up behind me and started asking the lady behind him, “is this to KL?” the lady answered “No, it’s to JB”. After listening to that, I thought maybe the lady is lost.

After 5 minutes, I started to realise that something was just so wrong; I then stretch my neck to take a glance at the men’s ticket, who was in front of me. True enough, the plane I was queuing up for, was to leave for JB.

I started to panic! OMYGOSH! Have I missed my flight? Where’s the gate? How am I going to tell dad and mom that I’m stranded here, all because of my ignorance. Quickly, I went out of the line, walked towards the other end, looking at my ticket, trying to figure out where is the gate and what time my flight departs. While walking, one couple started making weird noises “miao, miao” when there’s no cat there.

Thank God for that couple too, as I’m also quite used to hear people calling me by “miao miao” I then asked them, and they directed me to the next gate. Thank God. Without Him, I would have been in JB now.

I really want to thank Him so much for everything. I have heard many times about how my brother and Samuel ko are late for their flights. At first, I laughed saying, “hahaha, always late, even until they almost miss their flights”. However, now I understand, circumstances are unavoidable, but knowing that our God’s hands are upon us, we know that God is in control of everything, and there’s always a lesson to learn.

As for what I have learn through this adventurous experience is that I must learn to humble myself and listen for God’s leading and walk it out. Here, God reminded me of Ezekiel 3:17-19

17 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore hear a word from My mouth, and give them warning from Me: 18 When I say to the wicked, ‘You shall surely die,’ and you give him no warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. 19 Yet, if you warn the wicked, and he does not turn from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

Sometimes, God speak through others, but we ignore Him. We let our pride blind us from hearing Him. But God is saying, it is not the one who tells us that will be found with fault, but it is those who listens but do not obey the word of God. How are we going to answer to God's judgment during judgment day? Are we going to say, "it's not me, it's HIM, he wasn't efficient enough to keep reminding me". This is also a reminder for me... To speak when God says I should speak. To listen and obey when God speaks through others...

God bless everyone. =)


gloria :) said...

God's so real :) great sharing! :)

Christ said...

haha kat.. funny funny experience. but praise God!!! now u noe what i felt. God is real, AMEN! share more yah

Kathryn said...

Gloria Jie,
Amen!!! thank God

Samuel Ko,
hahaaha!!! ya, if i never experience, I'll never know. Amen!

Love you both, please take care!