
I misssss KUCHING!!! although I'm going back to KL tomorrow, I really misssss Kuching. This time back to Kuching I really really feel so blessed, I feel like God has been speaking to me through everyone around me.

First of all I just wanna thank Him for letting me come back for the new year. As most of you know, my initial plan is that I wouldn't come back for Chinese New Year. However, when my family came over to KL, I really missed hometown. Dad said if I could find a ticket to go back to KL, I can go back home, at that very moment I leaped with joy, dancing around the house, I was so happy that Dad allowed me to come back. Then it was the question of whether I could get a ticket to come back to KL. Using a very old computer (grandfather's) I went online to check, Air Asia had some errors, Malaysia Airlines had some errors too. So that night (wednesday - 6 February 2008) New year's eve, i couldn't confirm yet. But I didn't give up, I knew with God anything is possible. I prayed, so that at least the next day, the Lord would let me book a flight back to KL.

The next day (first day of new year), I went to those sites again, with great hopes that I CAN book the flight. But instead, God didn't allow me to get what I want just yet. It was really a testing as I thought, this is it, i can't go back. I'm not going to try again, cannot means cannot. Apart of me said, have faith.

At night I visited my granduncle and grandauntie. So, dad decided to check for me and Hallelujah! Praise God, there was a flight back to KL. Thank God!!! I was SOOOO happy.

The minute the plane touched down, I told myself, I'm home.

Just coming home, brings great joy to one even in the physical realm. What more to say the joy we have knowing we are in the house of God. Knowing that as we turn away from the world and walk towards the cross, God will reach out to us, and He will celebrate our return. Just as the parable of the Prodigal's son, The son decided to turn back from what he has done and go back to his father's house. From afar, when the father saw him, he ran out and put his arms around his son, and put a robe around him, with slippers and a ring, and ordered for a feast. Likewise, when we turn away from the wicked ways and return to God, God wouldn't wait at home and wait for you to beg him to take you in, but instead, run out and throw His arms around you.

The Lord recently spoke to me about how we sometimes fail to see the God too has His desires. In the beginning when we know God, we say, God I want.... I please bless me.... God you see my desires.... God you know what I want.... But have we realised that God has His own desires? and that is to dwell in us. When we allow God to dwell in us and we dwell in Him, God will give us more than we desire. If we abide in Him, He will abide in us. Hallelujah thank God.

Went visitng with the youths, at Dan's house
Went visitng with the youths, at Uncle Jin Lung's house.


gloriatsan said...

amen! very encouraging post, kat.. let us continue to live to please our Father in heaven. so glad you had a blessed time back home :) i miss you!

Kathryn said...

I miss you too, glo jie... thank God too,=)

Ah Dom said...

Very touching with the family photos!!