My interesting week

Probably last week,18 January 2008 - 24 January 2008 was by far the most interesting week since I started studying in college.

I started exercising!!! Don't forget to congratulate me (to all who thinks I'm fat) hahaha! We have 2 badminton courts in the condo and since last Sunday, my housemates and I started sweating all our excess oils. However, Newton's Third Law of Motion states that every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is true until a CERTAIN extend, I realised that my sport shoes are actually bigger than my feet, and it holds me back from revealing my potential. So, I played badminton with barefoot.I was wearing slippers in this picture just before I started playing with barefoot.
After 3 nights, I couldn't walk...
By the way, just for your information, the ground is made up of cement or something similar. Having supper with my housemate was fun too. I cooked seaweed soup, she cooked some nice delicious big prawns.

Pool side cafe's food are nice as photo elements, hahaha!

But the highlight of last week was, *drum roll* getting sick with joy! After eating the mee hun curry the food outlet, in Sunway Pyramid, I started feeling very very uneasy, I felt a little nausea, my head got heavier.

After reaching my room, I rested for an hour or so. When I woke up, I felt so sick that I rushed to the toilet, letting go at the wrong end (vomit), soon came the diarrhea part. Then I realised, I've gotten food poisoning!
It wasn't really a nice experience as I was feeling very uneasy. I couldn't eat anything because after a while, from the time i consume the food, i vomit it out. Thank God so much that it happened on Friday, after class.

I spent my weekends in grandma's place and she boiled some herbs for me, thank God for her. Despite all these, I knew that God is a healer and by His stripes we are healed! Hallelujah! We have a great God. So by faith, I prayed that God will heal me.
I slept early, but of course, I woke up MANY times during the night to let go (diarrhea), but by God's grace I felt MUCH better the next day. Happily, I sent several messages to a few saying "thank God for the fast recovery".

However, after lunch, my condition got worst. BUT, I felt even more rejoiceful! I felt that with God's strength, I could barely feel the uneasiness. I was full of joy for I had peace knowing, my faith is in God, my healer.
God did not promise a fast recovery, but God promise peace and joy! I thank God for it... I guess God wanted to test me, to see whether I stumble in the midst of a storm.

People asked me, why am i so happy? so happy to get food poisoning huh? I said, with Christ in the vessel I can smile at the storm, SMILE AT THE STORM! Last but not least, I thank God that today I'm totally healed!


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