A new page to pen down my journey

"Parachute Band"

Here I am, oh God
I bring this scrifice, my open heart
I offer up my life.
I look to you, Lord
Your love that never ends
Restores me again

So I lift my eyes to you, Lord
In Your strength will I break through Lord
Touch me now, let Your love fall down on me
I know Your love dispels all my fear.
Through the storm, I will hold on Lord
And by faith will I hold on Lord
Then I'll see, beyond my calvary one day
And I will be complete in
I will be complete in
I will be complete in You

(Beautiful isn't it?)

Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in Him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever. (1 John 2:15-17)
(Me in the medical building on my FIRST visit to the university)

A little while ago I thought to myself, this really is a nice place to live in, a nice place to see, touch and feel. The things of this world is so attractive. There are those that are nice to listen to, nice to see, nice to eat, nice to buy, nice to wear, they are all so attractive. But I asked myself, if the world with darkness is so attractive, would I not rather have myself attracted to the beauty of God, and the light that last forever? Would I rather not, seek Him with all my heart and dwell in His presence daily and to commune with Him all the time? And God placed those verses in my heart.

(The corner of the Enginnering Building, the focus was actually the tree, haha)

It's been a pretty long time since I last updated my blog. And I do apologise to all my dear ones whom I said or promise to that I will blog more often. I think I have this tendency of blogging after a long long "break"? =D

It's been a month and 11 days since I took my first step into this foreign land. I am truly thankful that mum could come to help me settle in. I think I might have a nervous breakdown, not knowing what I should do, where I should go to do those things I should be doing, and what sort of things I need to get. Thank God for His love for me.

(This is in Trinity College (UniMelb) - really beautiful)

Undoubtedly that God's hands has been guiding me through every single step I take. I really thank God that I arrived in Melbourne safely and mum returned home safely too. Even the very first minute we arrived in the airport, the Lord was there to protect and lead us. As many of you know, I love pepper (both white and black), I really thank God for His love because they didn't check our bags for illegal food and we could go through the scanning part with a breeze, and I could bring along my beloveds.

(Mum and Aileen walking under this beautiful stretch of trees)
A few weeks before I left Kuching, I applied for shutter services (for the first year students of UniMelb) to pick us up. Since we arrived a little later than expected time, I got afraid that they might leave without us. Well, of course we left KL on time. It's just that the flight took a longer duration than expected. It was about 1 in the morning after we collected our luggage and we went out to look for someone who was carrying a sign "TOGOTO", but all we found was people from other services picking other students (Monash University) up. Going in and out of the airport, up and down, front and back (i am exaggerating) but the thought of being LOST just came cripping in my head. I prayed in my heart, and soon God gave me the wisdom to call the contacts stated in the confirmation slip.

(Mum and I outside Trinity College - miss her)
I thought, who's going to pick up my call at 1am? But, I obeyed and just call anyways. After hearing a few dial tones, the voice of lady whom have been woken up by a phone call, caused vibrations unto my eardrums. It really sounded like she was sleeping. And I felt so bad to call her in the middle of the night. But, she was really helpful and I thank God for her, she said to help me call the person who's suppose to pick us up. About 5 minutes later, a person came holding up the sign "TOGOTO". Hallelujah!

(Random flowers that looks beautiful)

Mum gave a really encouraging idea to me recently. She said, that I can spend time with God everywhere, all the time. Even when I walk to the Uni, I can pray to God and talk to Him while walking. So it'll be part of my prayer walk. And I laughed, because it was so true that prayer + walk = prayer walk. Haha
But most of all, I know that I have to walk closely with God, and not only know it but actually walk it out. For if we be careless, we might let our hearts wander away. Even though we might be praising Him with our mouths but our hearts might not be right before Him.

(More random flowers that is just beautiful)

(Much more random pictures of plants)
Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me, and their fear towards Me is taught by the commandment of men (Isaiah 29:13)

(I think this is in Trinity College too)
The way the world attracts us by the natural and material things is really subtle. For unknowingly, we might conform ourselves to the likings of the world, the style, the in trend of presentation of certain things. Soon, our hearts are not turned towards God, and though we may go to church and spend out time in services, our hearts maybe wandering about in the world. Be cautious (a reminder to myself too) that we should not be conformed by the world but be ye transformed by God. We are in the world but not of the world.

(Mum and I in Melbourne Central - I love the background, This picture was taken before we went to the zoo)
I must say, being here for 1 month plus has caused me to see how easily distracted I can be. Not focusing on what is true and righteous. But the psalmist in psalm 63:1-2 shows us the longing to seek Him and to see His glory reveals.

(A random beautiful sculpture I saw in the zoo)

O God, Thou art my God; early will I seek Thee. My soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth for Thee, in a dry thirsty land, where no water is; to see thy power and thy glory, so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary
(Psalm 63:1-2)

I was encouraged as I read this verse that God is God and truly acknowledge how great and awesome He is
. And in reverence, awe and by honouring Him, we want to seek Him everyday. Because we love Him. John Bevere wrote in His book "The Fear of the Lord", it is like if we're in love with someone we want to see our lovers everyday, the first thing in the morning. And this is how our hearts should be like towards Him. Thirsting and longing for Him.

(Taken outside the State Library)
These words really caused me to check my heart and ponder upon my love for God.
To love Him with all my heart, all my strength, all my mind, and all my soul.

(Mum outside the butterfly house in the zoo)
It is already pass week 4 of my studies here, and I must say, it's really nothing like college or high school. It is almost a necessity for me to read through the topic before lectures or else I will be slacking or getting blur. Honestly, I get really blur in Chemistry lectures. HAHA!

Sometimes, I do feel really tired of studying, because it's really energy consuming to get everything into my head. But a thought always comes to my mind that I should commit everything into His hands.


Although, it is within human nature to want to be in control of our own lifes but to offer up our lifes and to lay it down as a living sacrifice unto Him, everything we do, we should commit it to the Lord. Although, I admit most of the time I want to be in control, but I shouldn't and by faith I would learn and really commit every work into His hands.

(Four of us outside the State Library, while waiting for the tram)
The weather here is rather funny, within a week the temperature fluctuates up and down weirdly. Today, it may be hot but tomorrow maybe cold. *it's cold now - haha* I have yet to get use to such weird weathers. Another thing is that the air is really really dry. One morning, to find a slice across my lower lips as though it was just too dry. Talking about that, I had wind burn above my lips the second week when I was here. It's feels like sun burn but it doesn't look it it. Thank God that, I'm healed, Hallelujah!

(Fruits in season)

(Five of us in Verve, celebrating Aileen's birthday)

Mid semester exam is just around the corner, and thank God by His strength I can go through it. I do miss everyone back home, Papa, mi, ko,and lyn, family in CWC, family in KL body, friends and dogs (welcome mikey into my family, hoho - my new dog, whom I've seen through skype!)

He Has Blessed Me With You

As I gaze upon the stars,
Amazed at what He's done.
I think of treasures in my heart,
(Where my treasure is, there will my heart be)

Early morning's breeze, I'd shiver at the cold
I recall those nice warmth presence, when having you with me.
I think of all those times with just one smile,
you brought colours to the plains.

He has blessed me with you,
I remember the time we spent together.
He has blessed me with you,
counting stars that are said to void,
making shapes out of the clouds,
He has blessed me with you.

As I gaze upon the twinkling stars;
In awe of what He has done;
I think of you... as a gift from Him.

( I like this cat, He's so cute)

I thank God, knowing that whatever He does, it shall be forever; nothing can be added to it, nor anything taken from it and God does it so that we fear Him. (So that we honour Him. So that we acknowledge that He is God, our saviour and our King) (Ecclesiastes 3:14)


gloriatsan said...

love the photos

Anonymous said...

love the words in this post...=D

Anonymous said...

btw stella here..haha