Traffic Jam!

It's about 2 and half weeks to go before semester exam starts, and my head is really cracking with assignments and lots more. I was and is still doing my breath assignment and there's another to go, certainly packed and full.

Sometimes, I just feel like sleeping, most times I feel like I'm drowning. It's been hectic, and the bed just lures me every moment even right now. Ah, I need to focus! As I walked back home tonight, there was an intense feeling upon me, I hurried and ran back home as soon as possible. I prayed and prayed the whole way through, that the Lord will protect me from harm, I thank God, I'm home safely, and is going to continue doing me assignments.

I need strength to go through this whole season! Run... Walk... Crawl... What is your movement now? I need to run!

Everytime I study, it feels like traffic jam in my head! An a typical excuse I would give myself is this, "Maybe I'm just too tired"

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I will trust in the Lord! My soul rest in my Lord for He is able and mighty, My joy comes from the Lord! Hallelujah! I rejoice and rejoice for the Lord is good and He is worthy to be praised! May the Lord help me through this season as I surrender all to Him.

Here's to announce that my blog status is going to be idle, until exams are over =)

Blessed days!

1 comment:

Stella said...


Study hard and smart and know that He'll be with you throughout all your way and you can always draw strength from Him.Love you lotsz..

God bless...