The Longest Yard

May the Lord strengthen those who humble themselves and wait upon Him. May they find their confidence in Him that gives life and grace to those who seek after Him.
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It’s time for me to run the longest yard, the mental race, through exams and assignments, but I know, that it’s not by my own might my own power, but by the Spirit of God! Pray with me, that I may continue to trust in the Lord, through this season. So that, I may stand firm on the foundation that is laid in Christ; knowing that all that I am, all that I have, shall I then lay it down before Him.
God bless you.


Poh Wei said...

I love this picture very much!!! (the nice colours/contrast/composition/etc makes it look like it is from a photography magazine) and I like all the other photos+sharings in the other post.

Will pray for your coming exams and research application. Continue to trust in Him and draw strength from Him... jia you!

Kathrynchs said...

Thanks poh wei! I think this is also a way that I can bless other people with what the Lord has given unto me, through photos and experiences!

AND I'M SOOOO happy, I have submitted the application with 3 attached document - 1) letter of interest 2) CV 3) Results
Thank God my leturer is sooo soooo wonderful to allow me to use her as my academic referee, she's an assoc prof in Unimelb, at the department of Genetics, a very motherly lecturer =)

I can only say thank GOD thank GOD thank GOD! no matter what the outcome maybe, I learnt to trust in Him, although during the times when I lack confidence, I keep saying aiya, sure cannot, aiya sooo hard. But the greater lesson learnt is to trust in Him, and do His will. Thank GOD!!!!

And today, I got free m&m's too =) Thanks for the prayers!!!
One down 3 to go HAHA!

GOD BLESS you too!