SPM-ers PARTY! Update


Terms and conditions:

- People interested are required to contact:
  • Kathryn Chin Hui San or
  • Andeline Lim or
  • Lai Tzin Yee

PARTY!!! PARTY!!! PARTY!!! Time for party! This party is mostly for 5H / 5I students, it's nothing big it's just a gathering. Venue is yet to be confirmed, but will A.S.A.P.

So far the list of people going are:
  1. Lai Tzin Yee
  2. Kimberley Ngu
  3. Andeline Lim
  4. Jenny Wong
  5. Chan Min Zhi
  6. Walter Aw
  7. Terence Yeo
  8. Samuel Ng
  9. Chai Jun Kong
  10. Kelvin Kho
  11. Chin Hui San
  12. Lee Pei Ying
  13. Ching Loung Huey
  14. Png Ning
  15. Lydia Lee
  16. Kee Jia Yi
  17. Kho Shui Wei
  18. Colin Yong (maybe)
  19. Catherine Lee
  20. Michelle Tan
  21. Jenny Voon
  22. Vun Tze Hui
  23. Benjamin Poh
  24. Chong Zhia Hwa
  25. Emilya
  26. Norman Chai
  27. ...
TAKE NOTE: Venue's at my place!!!


zewt said...

hmmm... so you're holding the big celebration huh... wow... i miss those days...

Kathryn said...

haha, yup... nah it's not exactly big but more than what I expected..