Down The Memory Lane...

First of all, let me officially tell you, I'm FREE!!!
Sijil Peperiksaan Malaysia (SPM) was over on the 3rd of December. Since then, I had been too busy to update and today I'm finally free. I just had my saxophone examination today, and thank God! Without his guidance I would not have done so well.

Here's a little insight of my experience of SPM.

It's rather fun, exciting, happy, interesting, tiring and just incredible. As usual i sit in between Min Zhi and Loung Huey. We've been sitting in this kind of arrangement since like form 2 during all our important and major examination. It's fun!!! I remembered the "spaghetti" song loung huey started singing, and I would join in. what more to say the "you are my sunshine" song.

This time, we got a nice classroom, nice block, nice examination environment and of course "nice" and "peaceful" examinations.

About the subjects? I have not much to say about it, but well it's all in the hands of God.

But here's something that happened that always reminds me of how merciful our Lord is, and how faithful He is.

21/11/1007 - The day started out rather dull, I had spent a whole night before this preparing for my physics paper. Nevertheless, I remembered to sleep early, at least before 12am. I wasn't in such a good mood, I was rather down. So well, I still had to sot for the paper, or else what? tell the examiner to postpone it till I'm in good mood? haha! How I wish it's possible. During paper 2 I started sneezing, and I became more and more lethargic. But it was incredible how God brought me through that day. Of course thank God for my ever so informative friends, they told me to read real depth and apparent depth (as what their tuition teacher predicted) and it really came out for the experiment part.

Well, after the physics paper, I became rather sick... physically, I started sneezing non-stop. it's like I've to carry the toilet roll every where i go. I couldn't study chemistry either, I couldn't even concentrate, and I didn't study the subject for quite sometime, was I about to give the paper away just like that? I thought of doing so, but I knew giving up just like that, was just a waste of a lot of things... so anyways, I decided either to sleep or do some pointless studying.

I thought maybe i should just go bathe first. So, I went into the bathroom, but then there I was contemplating again whether to bathe or not to bathe. I thought if I bathe my condition would get worst, as it would be quite cold. But thank God, I remembered of a song, a simple song... that goes like this,

Heal me O Lord, and I will be healed.
Save me, and I will be saved (x 2)

For You are the one I praise,

You are the one I praise

I sang this song with faith, I believed and I took my bathe. After getting out of the bathroom, I was healed! Hallelujah! I thank God. But again it was already 9pm, what could I possible study? So, I prayed, God lead me through a few topics including rusting, and I slept even before 12 am.

The next day, chemistry paper 1 was rather fair, wasn't hard, wasn't a baby's work. But just before the paper 2, I said to Andeline, I have a feeling Rusting would come out, empirical formula, and stuff. To my amazement, everything I said came out. They started calling me for more "wahyu", in my heart I said, it's not my own strength, it's the glory of God.


Well secondary school life has been fun and memorable, with all the hectic schedule i had in form 4, and the examination form5, undeniably it'll remain in my memory for life.

I still remember the first day of school, *laughs out loud* and the titles i had I'm like the queen of sleep lol! but it has now been taken over by Jenny.


Well, now a few of my friends are having the prefect fun camp, I was suppose to go but they change the date from the 9th to 6th, and it was so happened that I have y saxophone practical examination on the same day, so I had to fore go the whole camp.

How was the exam? haha nice, I really thank Mr Anthony for teaching me, without him, I probably wouldn't sound as nice, or play as nice.

So I went in with the first piece (Sonata part I by Oliver Nelson)
second piece (La plus que lente by Claude Debussy)
Third piece (If Only ... by James Rae)

After the pieces I was given the choice of either the listening test or scales first. Well, of course I chose listening test first, it was fairly easy. Thanks to mum, I could do it. Then there was the sight-reading, again thanks to Mr Ant, it was quite ok. Now the story of the scales, haha created my own scales! I can't believe that, haha the examiner said Bb major, I played, ahaha a weird scale. Lol! but He was kind, He gave me a lot of scales, really a lot. After the exam I thanked him, shook his hand. Then we had some small talk, so the conversation went like this,

Examiner (Mr Howard) : So, you can finally have your holiday.
Me: Haha, yeah. Well, actually, I just finished my major exam.

Mr Howard: Owh, what exam is that?
Me: It's like the last year of high school

Mr Howard: Owh great great. So what do you plan to do now?

Me: Huh?
Mr Howard: What do you plan to do next time?
Me: Owh, I'm planning to study biomedicine or something like that.
Mr Howard: Good, good. I wish you all the best then.

Me: Thank you, thank you.

Anyways, I know my results already. I thank GOD!


Hallelujah! All glory to Him alone.
Group Picture


gloria :) said...

hey..praise God for His guidance throughout ur spm.. :) keep on trusting in him, girl..btw where ya going to?

Kathryn said...

KL, haha, studying at sunway, =) Amen! i will, I'll remember, not to get influenced but to influence..

Leen said...


Leen said...

oops. that was gloria. using my roommate's laptop. lol.