Where Journey Begins...

Time and again, she contemplates upon all that she has been through. She recalls the time when the enforced camaraderie of student life seems all so important to her, yet not a single moment in her life was thought to have been squandered. She takes an incredulous gasp, unable to believe that all has past. With a blink of the eye, she sees life in a totally dissimilar perspective. Being distraught upon the choices made yet in her heart she knows that she is always taken aback by the sheer opulence of the friendship she has.

This is dedicated to one of my very dear friend whom is pursuing Malaysian Matriculation in Labuan, Andeline and to all those who is going to leave Kuching soon (Tzin Yee, Doris, Julia, Kher Lee, Walter, Min Zhi, Jia Yi, Ian...) and to all those who has left Kuching. I wish you all the best in the future.

It seems like just yesterday that laughters still sound the morning mist. It seems like just yesterday Loung Huey's wicked smile (CUTE) pierces through the cold and dull atmosphere. It seems just like yesterday, we were all the noisy-hard-to-chase-away-canteen group.

Yet, it is said that time waits for no man. We all depart, some still remains... Things we miss but cannot hold. What changed? nothing but merely places. Like flowers that withers so are we the same. But, as this bringeth new life, so are we the same. Though we may have gone our seperate ways but a new journey has just begun. In the depths of hope...
( A picture I drew, except this uploaded picture is in SUPER LOW QUALITY)

"NOTHING will be the same. Even if you decide to get everyone together, there'll always be something different. No matter what, experiences change people. And each person with their own different experiences will change in their own different way." Kim


Before I continue, I would like to give my utmost sincere apology to all who has been waiting for me to post again. I have been really lazy to blog.

Here is some pictures taken today...

1 comment:

gloriatsan said...

hey i loooooove your new hairstyle! so pretty!!! :D