Deep in thoughts

It has been almost a year since I last enjoyed the camaraderie of band life. many have grown - some abhoring, many affectionate. For myself, the recollection of events are truly remarkable. As I indulge in reminiscence, images came flashing back in my mind. The many mountains and valley faced was never "i" but often together.

If the description of band would to be enquired of me, it would be as so; band is a group of individuals with rarely any likeness, bearing frictions upon frictions, only to walk towards the same goal. That is, to overcome mountains and valleys together as one whole. It is never a society or a club, but rather a journey with more than a thousand words and a life with treasured hearts. Memories that remain and never taken away; it's about friendships that blossom but never withers.

Many pains, hurts, and sacrifices had been made, to see where band stands in the hearts of those that love. i recall the days where fighting against nature was hard. It was that scorching sun and stormy rains which hampered our vision. Alongside, the over-friendly sand flies decides that laying amid magnificent sunblock lotion was the in thing. Blisters and bruises were visiting often, as long as construction boots were often the highlights. Apart from that, falling was no stranger nor was Mr. faint a surprise to us. Physical training initials the start of interesting Saturdays, so was it when parents nag. *mine doesn't*

So it seems that suffering was the game to play. But the trophies of memories we shelf up is always a chapter to experience; the things that last, only to bring those days that count. And so we ask is it worth it?

12th June 2008 marks the birth of stars, when the gigantic butterflies grew in great amounts only to dominate the stomach. the heart-pumping sensation haunts every second of patience, when all eyes were set on them. As each step was done, each note was played, the overwhelming sensation kept them going till the end. And soon the last note was played, the last sound was made. The lights were on those that lifted their head up high as applauds and cheers filled the night.

Awaiting patiently, only to let the despicable shadow of sorrows covertly creep in, and some were startled by abasement. The bewildering array of emotions rises in the atmosphere, as if, loss in a labyrinth of confusion. Unable to abrogate the fact that only one rises yet not the others. Weeping tears of disappointment, unable to look beyond the veil of truth. But I see a group of young people, hopeful, and full of desires. The potential to be what they want to be.

Seeing the band that has become of you, bringeth great joy in those that was to be. We can only watch and cheer, but thy hearts should know, you fail not when you don't succeed, but you fail when you stop trying. Dreams are always reachable, if not, "possible" isn't a word worth being in the dictionary. Our journey in the band may have ended when we stopped, but our journey with the band will go on forever until we leave.

A close friend to my heart once said, "I can't do it, yet I will do my best." How you would tell your story often reflects the day you put in your best. When you look back, would you say, "if only I could do better" or "I did my best and I'm proud of it"?

It has been almost a year since I last enjoyed the camaraderie of band life only to look back and, "I did my best and I will ALWAYS be proud of it."

This is the story of 61 young brave souls battling it out on the field, with a headstrong heart in triumphing till the end. Be proud of yourselves, for I am proud of you. . .

remember, all glory belongs to him and him alone... =)


Ah Jye said...

Nice post ther..or Gud....Which one is better? Nvm...But it was a great beginning which will give us a great new image...and Green Road will stay...God Bless Us...

Kathryn said...

thanks =) hahah agrees at your statement do your best ya!! =)