God is my strength!!!!

Busy month + Exams + Assessments + Activities + FRIED BRAIN
= Happy & a little less sane as usual

Equation for the month of June...

I've just finished Topical test for physics, and I've survived it!!!

I really thank God for everything..

First of all, I had Gastric pain this morning and it was really really painful.

*even getting a cut on my toe wasn't as painful*

As I laid on the bed, telling myself,

"It's ok, just rest, the pain will go away."

Of course, and thank God it didn't work.

Then I just cried out to God, with a song...

    Heal me, O Lord
    and I will be healed...

    Save me, and I will be safe...

    For you are the one I praise...
Awesomely, I was instantly healed and the pain was gone!
And i was reminded about the greatness of God...
    I could only say that because of Him, I have great JOY in my heart...
For the past few days, I've been filled with so much joy that I greet everyone good morning... like this, "GOOD MORNING, ........(your name) !!!!" and everyone asked ARE YOU OK??
    The thing is, God has given me sooooo much joy, peace, love and strength that truly I cannot describe...
The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall i fear ; The Lord is the strength of my life: in whom shall I be afraid" Psalm 27:1


Anonymous said...

it's good to catch up with you again;)
hope everything will be fine for you..
God Bless!

Kathryn said...

Thanks !!! =)
God bless you too