Perfectly beautiful prints...

Along the beach, she strolls alone...
At the side of placid streams of water, she ponders and wait.
Of that moment, the wind breezes lightly through her hair.
She shuts her eyes to enjoy the woo-shing sound of waves.
Instantly walking back into memory lane.
As she opened her eyes to look back along the path,
nothing could be seen by the eyes of others.
Not a single footprint could be found.
All was washed away by the coming waves.
But through those tiny little eyes,
she sees countless footprints left behind.
Of those many from people she loved.
The deep imprint has been left sunken in her heart.
Though waves have come and go,
the prints still remain because she chose it so.
Never once she regretted, for she knows,
God's devine hands placed the perfectly beautiful prints there.

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