Dear Lord



My soul longs and thirst for you

For Your guidance and leading, for your truth and your way.

Show me Your way O Lord, teach me Thy path, lovely and faithful are Your ways O Lord

In You I have been made secure

For You alone are my dwelling place

In You I put my trust.

In You shall my peace, my hope, my joy, be found.


Kathrynchs said...

Sorry for not updating in a long long time, I haven't really got the time to do this after so long. Do keep me in prayers, it's the last lap of the semester, and there's alot that still needs to be done. BUT I choose this day to TRUST in Him more than anything else. =)

Carol :) said...

Your blog has been an encouragement with inspiring words and beautiful pictures. Do continue to share your viewpoint with us. May He give you extra grace for this last lap. God bless! *Huggs