Where Is Our Focus?


The daunting presence of examinations is drawing nigh, the uncompleted essay proclaims procrastination, time waits for no man. Health has been worrying and unpredictable; what you eat, drink, breathe, and touch may harbour millions of pathogen at any one time. Worry about what shall keep my tummy full, what shall keep me warm, where shall I find my refuge in storms.


stop worrying, why do you worry about tomorrow, when you have today. Why do you worry when you know that He provides. Why do you look everywhere else, but not to Him?

Today, as you hear this is the day of salvation, trust in Him, hope in Him.

If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

(Colossians 3:1-4)

Let’s look upon the Lord, not at how much we have to do, how much we don’t know and can’t control. But instead, learn to seek the Lord and trust in Him, learning to put on Christ each moment, and not put on worries. For the things of the world, the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life, can never satisfy our souls for it will perish one day along with all it’s pleasures. What profits me if I gain the whole world but lose my soul? Nothing. Naked I come into this world, naked I shall leave.

NOW THAT OUR LIFE IS HIDDEN IN HIM, we learn to TRUST and HOPE in Him. we learn to REJOICE in spite of the MANIFOLD HEAVINESS OF TRIBULATIONS, we learn to wait upon Him, and learn to rely on Him. And He shall lead and guide His sheep, the ones who listens and follows after the great shepherd.

I have so much to share, but this is only my short post after being idle for so long. Till then, soon, in less than a month’s time.


God bless you.

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.

(Psalm 121:1-2)


Kathrynchs said...

OH YA! and life is not like a cup of coffee, I just thought that was a good photo to put because
1) it's my coffe cup
2) it's a coffee cup with 3 tea bags (if you didn't notice heehee)
3) it's suppose to speak about "stress" because it's a COFFEE CUP
- however, I am not stress, for I choose to trust in Him, and not look at the temporary -
4)the black and white coffee cup, is quite, "daunting" too, don't you think so?
5) it's a COFFEE CUP lol

JIA YOU EVERYONE (I don't know why I've started commenting on my own post lately, hrmmmm)

Poh Wei said...

AMEN!!! Look towards Christ, our source of hope and strength and not look at our worries. Thanks for your sharing.

hahahaha...You know what? the 1st thing that came into my mind when I saw your coffee cup was that, "why is there 3 tea bags?" "will it cause intoxication?"

Oh ya, there's one whole chapter in the psychiatry book about Caffeine related disorders. LOL

Kathrynchs said...

Hallelujah, thank GOD!

hahaha =) it's like drinking 3 cups of tea but only in one cup heehee ^^ but have to drink alot of water, maybe the milk neutralises it?

HAHAHAHAH!!!!!! oh no, next time no coffee for me. Oh ya, do let me know if this is a myth or not, when you come across it, does excessive caffeine result in acute depression. I always wanted to know.

ALL in all, let us focus unto the Lord, JIA YOU! GBU