Creativity, Plays and Arts

Praise God for today!

I realised, I didn't really share about what I am doing and up to nowadays.
Apart from taking these three core subjects; Biomolecules and cells, Chemistry in Biomedicine, Calculus 1, I am required to take another breath subject of my own choice. Basically, a breath subject is like an elective.

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It was really really hard to choose the breath subject, because for starters, there is just too many subjects to choose from. Secondly, in my opinion, most of the subjects are not so interesting. Thirdly, I didn't want to do any language subject, because I thought of doing something I would enjoy doing.

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Initially, it was between critical thinking (not interesting but beneficial) and Saxophone Ensemble (sounds like what I'll do, but it's only 6.25 pts, I had to get 12.5 pts - considering for next year)
Since, I wasn't sure about my decision, I browsed through the subject list again, and there I found it, "Poetics of the Human Body".

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Here's the description: "This subject will explore the ways in which historical and contemporary discourses are constructed around the human body in the visual and performing arts, politics, law, philosophy, medicine and science. Within university departments, study of the human body is the object of discrete and sometimes competing areas of knowledge. The Poetics of the Body challenges this compartmentalization. It offers a wide, multidisciplinary perspective on the body.

During the Renaissance the practice of drawing upon various traditions - humanist and scholastic, literary and scientific, theoretical and practical - led to rich theoretical interpretations and representations of the human body. Much of this knowledge was framed by deep spiritual, aesthetic and ethical concerns. Since the 17th century, investigation of the human body has splintered into discipline-specific fields of study. By the beginning of the 21st century the fragmentation of knowledge about the body has dominated. The Poetics of the Body offers a unique and inclusive approach. The assumption is that the body can direct research. It is not only an object of investigation, but also the vehicle through which knowledge of the world is gathered.

Underpinning the Poetics of the Body is a recognition of the value of interdiscipinarity and the role it plays in invigorating and enriching critical vocabularies and representations. There is also recognition of the value of theory derived in practice. Through experiential studio/ laboratory, and lecture/ tutorial based learning, students will explore the ways in which historical and contemporary discourses are constructed around the human body."

It sounds really artistic and unique. So, there I was registering for this subject. The funny thing was, I felt so puzzled by the description of the subject in the handbook. It sounded more like, "Philosophies of the human body as an expression". I read the description out to my mum, and I realised, "This is not a subject I want to do".

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Of course I had other preference, mum suggested "Food for A Healthy Planet"- about nutrition, since I like food alot. *giggles* Well, I settled with mum's suggestion. However, when I had another round, browsing through the subject list again. This particular one, really caught my attention, "Creativity, Plays and Arts".

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Here's the description, "This subject focuses on the integral connection between play, the arts and learning in childhood. Through workshops, seminars, observations and site-visits, students will investigate how children learn and develop through play and creative arts experiences. To understand and learn how to facilitate children’s play through arts practice students will experience, observe and co-play in a range of real-life settings.

The experiential nature of the subject is supported by knowledge drawn from a range of disciplines incorporating theories of learning, play and creativity, artistic creation, and human development through art. Sites of practice may include museums, galleries, early learning centres, hospitals and community centres."

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I thought, the description was interesting, fun and artistic. Maybe learning something about the development of children will be really fun, enjoyable and most of all beneficial. Mum said, "it might help you when you become a mother." HAHA! Indeed it will.

It's five weeks into the course now, and I really love this subject. What I have gathered through this subject is really helpful and it causes me to look at kids in a different way. As we grow older, we tend to lose our sense of fun, and playfulness and sometimes creativeness. Probably, we've outgrown them.

I have about an hour lecture and 2 hours of workshop a week for this subject, and I really enjoy the workshops.

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1st week - (Drama Workshop) We had it in a drama studio, and it was great! We got to play alot of games, and had some role plays. The role play session was really interesting, it's about fairy tale characters agency, where all the fairy tale characters who has problem comes to this agency to seek for advice. Each one of us had to take up a role and just play along!

2nd week - (Music Workshop) One of the things we did was to take as many pictures as you like as a stimulus and tell a story through the music produced by musical instruments. For our group, the story goes like this, we played and had fun - went to the town to celebrate chinese new year - it's late, we head home to sleep. I know, it doesn't sound like and actual PLOT, but to think that we created a really fun percussion-based music to tell the story, it was really amazing.

3rd week- (Visual Arts) Leigh Hobbs, a well-known artist came as a special guest and taught us how to draw "Old Tom", taught us some artistic skills, to be creative, and taught us to let our imagination go wild. I enjoyed this session the most and this is why...

FINALLY! FUZZY BALL is created! No Longer is he my doodling art, but He's now a Character I actually Draw! or made up?

Remember this? - hints to those that know i love doodling him

After the lecture today, I was really encouraged by the mind of a child. During the 2 hour lunch break, I was just thinking about how as we grow older, we tend to lose our childlike faith in God.

Like a child, we honour God and obey Him as our Father with no doubt. We won't question His authority. We won't doubt His capablity because our Father I able! No doubt! And we would be open to learn from Him, and sometimes though we may cry, the sense of security is still there. We trust fully unto the one that leads. Like how a Father holds the hands of a child. Though at point we may fall, He lifts us up. We learn to be contented with what He gives us. We run to Him when we are scared (I used to hide my head behind my dad's back when X-files is showing). We see Him as our provider and never getting worried about His providence. We see Him as someone we really trust for wisdom and protection.

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Truly I say to you, Whosoever shall not recieve the Kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter into it. (Mark 10:15)

1 comment:

gloriatsan said...

amen! You look simply lovely :)
Keep up the childlikeness in you :)