New experiences ahead...

Hi everyone, it's been certainly long since i last blogged, but don't worry this is not an illicit computer hideout for me. Before I continue, I'll be posting a quick 5 minutes post, don't mind me if i have any typing errors.

Probably, you'll be asking how's college life so far?
interesting? fun?
Well, one word blessed.
the lord has indeed brought me through everyday with joy, with hope and faith for a new day in Christ and although i do not have a numerous friends as like high school. I am ready to be a torch shinning for Christ.
I really thank God for many trials and testings which arised, yet because of Him, i am able to stand up as a victor. Yet not by my strength, not my power but by the Spirit of the Lord. Hallelujah!
Lectures started since yesterday. Well to be precise, Chemistry and Applicable Mathematics. My teachers are all good. Well, not like I did listen to Ms Neeta during the Malaysian Studies introductory which I had just now. I was drawing. *giggles*

How's food?
Expensive, For what reason, I don't know why the food is so pricey here. There's the RM25 for a dozen satay sticks. *faints* Presentation on the other hand is much better.
Taste? Nothing beats grandma's cooking.
Nevertheless, God provides our every need, so whatever it is I thank God.

Do i miss all of you?
Well, you can answer this question yourself. but, I'll just state the obvious, OF COURSE. I miss my family, I miss Dad, I miss Mummy, I miss brother, I miss sister, I miss my brethren in Christ. I miss my friends, I even miss Thumper, Terry and Cookie (my dogs).

What other things have I got to say?
I know this is the beginning of another chapter of life, and I want to run this race, not according to my will, but for the purpose of God. There's so many things I want to share about but I can't now. I promise i will in mere future. Like what a precious sister told me, to learn the lessons of trusting in God. Anyways got to go back to hostel, Love you all. God bless you.


Lawchai said...

what can i ask now?

fabs said...

haiyo~ i haven kacau your bro since i met him in aug 07. must kacau him when i go back tomoro... muahahaha~

Kathryn said...

(Lawrence)wad can you ask??? hahaha!!!!!

(fabs) haha kacau him for what?? hahah!!! fabs wad course are you taking? i forgot haha

Anonymous said...

hey piggy,... good to hear from u again..
update more if possible..;)

fabs said...

tsk tsk tsk~ baru almost 18 nia forgot... life sciences... haiya... so hard to see ur bro one...

Kathryn said...

(flor) hahaha I'll try. you too lahr

(fabs) haha sorry lahr, very lao liao.. lol!! okok what do you study in life sciences??? hee

Anonymous said...


fabs said...

suang lor.... hahahahaha~ ur bro MIA again...