
"It's time to close this chapter" I uttered in gratefulness after the last drop of ink marked it's place on the heavily stained paper.

Imagine that scene itself! Wonderful isn't it? The faithfulness of God is really worthy to be praised! How marvelous is our God, that He brought me through a whole year filled with joy, peace, hardships, testings, trials but most of all love. His love endures forever!

(five of us at the Kuching Airport)

Everytime I decide to peruse one of the many subtopics in this chapter, I can't help but to thank GOD for it. I'm truly overwhelmed by His love for me. I can still bring to mind some embarrassing moments, some happy ones and of course some down ones too. It is only with His strength that I could have gone through everything. His strength itself is enough to let me continue the race, not by my own flesh, not with my own will, but by His Spirit and strength.

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint" Isaiah 40:31

Hallelujah!! Let us not use yesterday's manna for today's journey. But instead, let God renew our strength everyday, as we wait upon Him. And although we may be going through the same routine everyday (studying or working), the renewed strength allows us to continue running this race without getting weary; walk and not faint.

(My favourite picture, I name this shot reminiscence though it does not represent it but everytime i view this photo, memories come flashing back -coz it's mama's flower with baby as background)

His words said that, "For the joy of the Lord is your strength." Nehemiah 8:10. In His presence there is fullness of joy, the joy that is from the Lord shall be our strength.

(Kristyn@Waterfront nice pic ey?)

Sometimes, I strive so hard for my own goal and purpose and then I tend to get so tired. Tired of pursuing my intended plan, not realising all these are just vanity. How foolish can the flesh nature be, when Jesus said "I am the way , the truth and the light." But the pride in the flesh nature caused us to walk our own way that seems right leads not to life.

"There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death." proverbs 14:12

But when we stay still and know that He is God, when we are willing to humble ourselves to follow His plans. We will never need to fear that we won't have the strength to carry through.For as we find grace in His sight, His presence will surely be with us.

I thank God, for the many hardships faced; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There are times I was standing on mountain tops, but there were also times i went through the valleys, only to realise I was never alone for both. On some days, I would feel tired of doing the same thing everyday, not being able to feel the joy in my heart. On other days, I would almost be drained out as soon as the end of class is being announced. Occasionally, little storms or maybe some big ones arise, and I get all so disturbed in all ways.

When we are going through trials and testings, know that "we must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God" (Acts 14:22). MUST, meaning to say that it is inevitable in the nature of things.
But when we go through and overcome all these hardships. "Our momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all" (2 Corinthians 4:17)
And our God can calm the roaring storms! He gives us peace that surpasses all understanding; the strength to carry on; and the patience to wait upon Him.

I really thank God for Kung-Kung and Grandma for always taking care of me every weekend when i go back to their home. The warmth and care they've shown me are touches my heart. Everytime, I would have gone back with my favourite food ready on the dining table with so much love in every single bite. Every week, I get to bring back a bag of fruits and other stuff. Thank God for both of them!

Thank God for godma too! She's always willing to fetch me back to condo every Sunday after church, though it's quite far. I thank God for her sacrificial love for me. Willingly, buying me lunch and sometimes extra pocket money to make sure I have enough to spend. She's always there to hear and give advice anytime and anywhere.

Thank God for QQ and family, sometimes when i need to stay over at their place. They unconditionally open their loving home to me, making sure I'll have enough food, clothes and a nice place to sleep. In times for need, I can always go over to look for him and he'll always try his best to help me. Like the bah kua incident. haha

Thank God for Aunty Kee and her family too. Such cute and lovely cousins i have, waking me up by jumping on me when i over sleep. Thank God for Aunty Kee, though she may be busy but she always give me things to wear. My cousins are so cute! Notorious, mischievious yet adorable at the very same time.


(I think I look cute, well you can't see but I'm wearing a Mickey Mouse pants to The Spring haha)

Thank God for the KL body, who not only has been so caring towards me. They've shown me so much love that it is undeniable that the Lord is truly the God of love. There was once that i fell ill, and Aunty Chan offered to make ginseng drink for me. Every single week, Esther jie would pick me up all the way from Sunway to go to church for bible study meeting. Cassia jie would pick me up for every Sunday service although she herself is facing some health infirmity, but that doesn't stop her from serving God.

Amazing isn't it, the love for the Lord is so great that they are willing to serve Him even in the smallest matters. Thank God for such a blessed body of Christ, knowing that your brethren are walking the same way as you are! They have been such a great blessing and encouragement to me!


Thank God for Sunway Christian Fellowship! The brothers and sisters there are so cute, lovely and interesting! The love they've shown me is truly genuine! I miss all those prayer meetings, intercessors, bible studies, and CF meetings. Each and every single one of them have been a blessing to me. Sometimes, when I'm spiritually down, God provides the most beautiful people in my life, to encourage me. I wouldn't have asked for more or less.

But to thank God and rejoice in Him not for wad i can do in Him but because we have this high calling in Him, that is to be called His sons!

The friendship that God has blessed me with is truly amazing, only the love of God can cause us to grow together in the bond of love. I am still astonished at the fact that I probably knew them all for a span of 10 months plus and yet it seems like i know them. But most of all, God led them to imprint His love through them in my life, the perfectly beautiful prints.


(This is Kristyn@SantubongBeach, again i think this pic is awesome)

As i reminise more i really want to thank God for great friends I have in Sunway, I truly miss them alot. I thank God for my lecturers and course mates.

I Thank God for my precious friends back home (everywhere) in Kuching! Although some of us have left Kuching, I know you've got my back, and I've got your back. I cherish the random sms I get from whosoever that misses me! But most of all I thank God for your presence in my life.

I thank God for the results he has blessed me with, I would say that, every single step I took, He was just right beside me, holding my hand leading me. I didn't get the results just by coincidence, but I had to work hard with the strength and grace He provides.


(This is one of my favourite beach picture, notice that everyone is so joyful at the background? FeliZoeStellaKristyn@SantubongBeach )

I thank God too, for my beloved family in Christ back here in Kuching! Everytime I feel down, I tell myself, and be thankful and hopeful because I know that there is a group of brethren praying for me. My family in CWC have been guiding me and walking with me in this walk, I thank God that gorwing up with this body of Christ has just brought me closer and closer to my brothers and sisters. wo men tou shi tong lu ren.

Every friday, saturday and sunday, the brethren would fetch me to and from meetings. I believe that it is only through the Lord that they have such love to sacrifice their time for me. The uncles and aunties have been such a great encouragement to me to. Sometimes even shring with me spiritually. I am grateful for them!

I thank God for this body and for His love that He has shown to me through this body.


Thank God after my results were out, I got accepted into the university of Melbourne and found a place to stay in collegesquare Lygon. Not only that, I'm going to be staying with one of my beloved friend, Kim! But there were trials along the way.

First I didn't want to apply for the unit as I didn't have any student ID nor do I have a visa number, but I just left a - for that part. The next day I was offered a place to stay! Hallelujah, our God is truly amazing. Then, it was the period of settling the tenancy deal. Thank God that everything went smoothly and I can tell you that everything is only possible because of Him.


But most importantly, I want to thank God for two special and irreplacable people in my life, my parents. Thank God for them in my life, providing me with the best that I can have. Whenever I need help or prayers, I would call home and mum is always there to pray for me. Mum would also call every night during the examination period, to pray for me, to make sure I take care of myself. From young, I remember that my parents would always always give me the best. Pa would carry me when I was tired of walking. Mi would arrange the vegetables into pictures so that I would eat them.

Even until now, my parents would always care for me wherever I may be and I pray that I will continue to love them and continue to honour them in all i do.


But most of all, I thank the Lord with all my heart! I rejoice with gratefulness that the Lord, our God is faithful to us. Let us be faithful to Him too in everything we do, set ourselves apart for Him. Surrendering our all into His hands.
Sometimes, we feel weak and tired, we fear that the evil one is so powerful, but let find hope in His words,

"And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightningh fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing shall by any means hurt you." Luke 10:18-19


So, as we begin this new year, let us continue to run this race, until we reach our goal that is to go unto perfection in Christ.

"Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. And every man that striveth for mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible." 1 Corinthians 9:24-25

And as I start off in a new chapter in life, I pray that I will not lose my vision in Him, that I may know my calling no matter where about I may be.
(My favourite picture of this post, sun rays@Santubong Beach)

Blessed new year everyone!


gloriatsan said...

AMen..praise the Lord for His blessings..!!

lovely pictures, kat :)

miss and love u.

Kathryn said...

Praise God, hallelujah!!!

Hi Gloria Jie, I miss YOU TOOO!!! I love your pics!!!! hahaha
love you!

Esther said...

Kat, awesome post u wrote. I am so so so much being encouraged by what u wrote.

very touching and yet very meaningful. I wish you the best in future and continue to be a blessing to all of us ya!

Kathryn said...

praise God for that, esther jie! I'm going to miss you haha! I wish you all the very best too. continue to walk in Him!love n God bless